
Linux, Virtualization and whatever I find interesting ...

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Welcome to my Homepage

Here I will collect the things I know or find out.
I'll write about Ubuntu/Arch Linux, Windows, Bash and Perl Scripting, Virtualisation and whatever else that could be interesting.
All I'm going to write here is tested by myself. I don't give a warranty of the functionality on other systems.

If there are questions, suggestions or something else feel free to send me an mail.

I'm also a hobby photographer, for those interested here is a link.

Recent Blog Posts

Shrink VMware disk to contents size (for VMware Workstation users)

  • When you using dynamically growing disk in VMware then they grow, but don't reduce its size when you delete files in the virtual machine.
  • That's only interesting when you are using VMware Workstation in the server versions the default is a full allocated disk.

Mount Filesystem via SSH

  • SSHFS stands for Secure SHell FileSystem. Its a filesystem for FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) so its possible for unprivileged user to mount the fs over an SSH connection.

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start.txt · Last modified: 20.12.2018 23:14 by eanderalx